How Frequently Can You Modify Your Custody Arrangements?

In Indiana, child custody arrangements can be legally modified when certain conditions are met, but state law does not set a time limit on how often modifications can be sought. While there are no legal restrictions on how often a parent can petition for custody modification, the court may view frequent or frivolous modification requests unfavorably. If a parent repeatedly files for modifications without legitimate reasons, the court may impose sanctions or award attorney fees to the other parent. Therefore, it’s essential to understand which situations may justify a modification petition so you can carefully evaluate your circumstances. Consulting with an experienced Indianapolis custody modification attorney before pursuing changes to your custody agreement may be vital to ensuring your case proceeds smoothly.

How Do Indiana’s State Statutes Address Child Custody Modifications?

Although custody plans ought to be designed to last for the duration of the minor’s childhood, situations can arise that necessitate permanent adjustments to the parenting agreement. However, to protect the stability of the child’s living situation and their relationship with both parents and other family members, the state has imposed strict rules on when modifications can occur. Indiana Code § 31-17-2-21 outlines the requirements for modifying a child custody order. The statute states that a court may not change a custody order unless the following two conditions are met:

  • There is a substantial change in one or more of the factors the court considers when making custody determinations: Relevant factors may include the child’s age and sex, the wishes of the parents, the child’s wishes (with more weight given to the opinions of children 14 and older), the child’s relationship with parents and siblings, the child’s adjustment to home, school, and community, the ability of the parent to provide a safe and nurturing home environment, and the mental and physical health of all individuals involved
  • The modification is deemed to be in the best interests of the child: Neither parent is favored during custody modification proceedings. Instead, the reasoning for altering the custody agreement should be based on serving the needs of the child and ensuring the healthiest relationship possible with both parents

Modifications are not meant to be used for minor or temporary changes. Instead, they are used to address substantial shifts in the lives of the child or parents that seriously impact the viability of the current custody plan. Common reasons for seeking custody modifications in Indiana include changes in the child’s needs or living preferences as they grow older, relocation or remarriage of a parent, alterations in parental work schedules, and concerns about the child’s safety with the current custodial parent.

How Does the Indiana Custody Modification Process Work?

To modify a child custody order in Indiana, a parent must file with the court that issued the original custody order. The process begins with submitting a formal request, known as a petition for modification. The petition should thoroughly detail the changes in circumstances and explain why the proposed modification would benefit the child.

Once the petition is filed, the other parent is given an opportunity to respond. If both parents agree to the modification, they can submit a joint agreement to the court for approval, which may be granted without a hearing. Uncontested modifications can often be implemented quickly, as neither parent objects to the proposed changes. However, if the parents do not agree, the court will schedule a hearing where both parties can present evidence and arguments to support their positions. After hearing both sides, the court will make a ruling.

What is the Role of Evidence in a Contested Custody Modification?

Courts are generally reluctant to modify custody orders unless there is clear evidence that it’s necessary for the child’s wellbeing. The burden of proof is on the parent requesting the modification to show both a substantial change in circumstances and that the suggested alterations to the parenting plan are in the child’s best interests. Contested modifications can take several months to over a year to finalize, depending on the specific circumstances of the case and the local court schedule. The court prioritizes the child’s welfare, so they will take the time necessary to carefully consider all applicable factors before making a decision.

When presenting a case for a contested custody modification, it’s crucial to gather and depict pertinent evidence in an admissible format. The court will not consider evidence of matters that occurred before the last custody proceeding unless it directly relates to a change in the factors currently affecting the child’s best interests. This requirement helps prevent repeated litigation of the same issues and ensures that only new, relevant information is considered in modification requests.

Why Should Parents Consult a Skilled Family Law Attorney When Considering a Custody Modification?

A knowledgeable family law attorney can be invaluable in helping parents navigate the custody modification process. Working with a family law attorney with extensive experience in custody modification cases can potentially help streamline the petition process and ensure all necessary steps are completed efficiently and correctly. An attorney can help evaluate whether the circumstances warrant a modification request or if there are temporary issues that can be handled out of court by communicating with the other parent and utilizing the flexibility of the current custody agreement.

If a modification is needed, an attorney can exhibit evidence effectively and guide clients through the legal procedures. They can also assist in negotiating with the other parent, potentially reaching an agreement without needing a court hearing. In cases where litigation is necessary, an attorney can present the strongest possible case for modification, ensuring that the court considers all relevant factors.

How Can Our Law Firm Assist With Your Indiana Custody Modification?

Although Indiana law allows for custody modifications when necessary, the process is designed to prioritize stability for the child while still allowing for adjustments when circumstances significantly change. By requiring evidence of a substantial change and consideration of the child’s best interests, the law aims to balance the need for flexibility with the importance of maintaining consistent custody arrangements. A qualified family law attorney from The Law Office of Deidra Haynes can help you understand and navigate this complex legal process to ensure the health and wellbeing of your child. To learn more about your legal options for custody modification, contact our Indianapolis law firm today at 317-785-1832 and schedule a case evaluation with our compassionate team.