Indiana Family Attorney Giving You the Representation You Need for Alienation in a Child Custody Dispute
No one will ever love someone else like they love their children. The bond between a child and parent is unbreakable. This is true even through divorces. While we may separate from our romantic partners for various reasons, no one ever wants to abandon their child.
Most people place their child’s best interest above all else, even their own well-being. Sometimes people going through a divorce will take advantage of this bond. While it’s rare, there are cases where one parent may care more about themselves than their child’s welfare. In these instances, they may use their child as a weapon in their divorce. If this happens, it is called parental alienation, and could potentially impact the outcome of a custody case.
What is Parental Alienation in Indiana?
Parental alienation is a complex system of manipulation in which one parent works to turn their child against the other parent. It is a form of gaslighting unique to children. Gaslighting occurs when a person manipulates someone else’s sense of reality for their own benefit.
Parental alienation can take many forms. Individuals who engage in parental alienation will take advantage of circumstances to best distance their child from the other parent. Tactics that people may use to alienate their child from the other parent include:
- Telling the Child their Other Parent Doesn’t Care About Them
- Making Negative Remarks About the Other Parent
- Blaming the Other Parent for a Poor Financial or Living Situation
- Making False Accusations of Spousal Abuse
- Attempting to Convince the Child their Other Parent has Harmed Them in the Past
- Limiting or Cutting Off the Child’s Contact with the Other Parent
The individual may engage in other behavior to turn their child or children against the other parent. Sometimes parental alienation may be challenging to identify. This is because not all behavior is intended to turn a child against their other parent. While it may be irresponsible for one parent to denigrate the other in front of their child, it is not necessarily intentional manipulation.
A child may also overhear a parent making negative remarks to a friend. It is also not uncommon in divorces for children to take sides against a parent of their own volition. This is why it may be necessary to consult a child psychologist to establish parental alienation has taken place.
What are the Effects and Symptoms of Parental Alienation?
Child psychologists and child welfare specialists have classified parental alienation as a form of child abuse. This is because it can have a severe impact on the child’s growth and development. Adverse effects of parental alienation can include:
- Lack of Trust
- Long-Lasting Resentment of One Parent
- Difficulty Forming Close Relationships
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Self-harm
- Eating Disorders
These adverse effects come from a child believing one parent either does not love them or wishes them harm. They can also arise from a child being made to feel their parent has actually harmed them in the past. Children naturally love and trust their parents. Believing that one of them wishes them harm results in an inability to trust others or feel a sense of self-worth.
Because of the negative effects of parental alienation, it may be identifiable by a change in the child’s behavior. These changes may include but are not limited to:
- A Sudden Hostility Towards One Parent
- Refusing to Speak or Visit One Parent
- Extreme Black-and-White Thinking
- Reciting Words/Phrases that Sound Rehearsed or Artificial
- Being Withdrawn or Isolated
- Acting Out at School
Again, some of these behaviors may be unintended consequences of divorce. Not every child who engages in these behaviors has been manipulated by a parent. However, these behaviors can form a pattern that may indicate intentional parental alienation.
How Can Parental Alienation Impact Custody Decisions in Indiana?
Parental alienation can have a significant impact on child custody decisions. This is because judges will always take children’s welfare into account when making decisions. Part of this may involve interviewing the child. If a child has been alienated successfully enough, they may convince a judge their other parent is unsuitable.
Judges should generally look for signs of alienation to ensure a child has not been manipulated. However, it can be challenging to spot. Other judges may take a child’s claims at face value or rush through proceedings. In these instances, the alienated parent may receive diminished or even no custody of their child. However, if a parent can demonstrate alienation in court, it could cause the judge to rule in their favor. Alienation is considered abusive and dangerous.
Many judges look harshly on parents who engage in parental alienation. In these circumstances, an attempt to alienate the child may backfire. This is why it’s vital to have an experienced attorney who knows how to identify parental alienation and build a strong case against the alienating parent.
What Should I Do if I Am Facing Parental Alienation in Indiana?
Divorces are hard. Having your own child turned against you as a weapon can be even more devastating. It can have a long-lasting negative emotional and psychological impact on you and your child(ren). An experienced family lawyer can identify when alienation may be taking place.
They can bring in a child psychologist to identify alienation and present their findings in court. If you can prove parental alienation in court, it can turn the tide of a custody battle. It can potentially win you more or sole custody of your child. More importantly, it can stop the abusive behavior from continuing.
If you or a loved one are going through a divorce and believe parental alienation is taking place, don’t hesitate to contact the attorneys of Deidra N. Haynes LLC, located at 9785 Crosspoint Blvd, Suite 104 Indianapolis, Indiana 46256.
Diedra N. Haynes is a dedicated and experienced family attorney who can help identify parental alienation. She knows tricks and tactics people use to manipulate their children and has zero tolerance for it. She’ll use all her skills as a litigator to fight parents who use their children as weapons and make sure they end up in a safe and happy home.
Parental alienation can be frightening for parents and children alike. It can leave a lasting impact that scars a child for life and ruins their relationship with both parents. If you or a loved one believes parental alienation is occurring, contact Deidra N. Haynes right away at 317-785-1832 or email her for a case evaluation. Your road to a happy life with your child can start today.