A More Helpful Approach To Fairly Assess Child Support for Indiana’s Divorced Fathers.

It’s a sad truth, but in certain socioeconomic parts of our society, Fathers are often sometimes overlooked as a viable parenting resource for their children. When, in fact, divorced fathers often play an essential role in their child’s development.

Current statistics prove that children do better and improve when they have high-quality relationships and safe and healthy interactions with their fathers.

That said, there is growing awareness of the importance of a father’s role in their child’s mental and physical health and well-being. Despite this valid information, many courts, child protection agencies, and more remain mainly focused on the relationship between the mother and child.

But now, in many divorces, lawyers and Indiana courts see the need for inclusive practices involving the child’s whole family, especially the father.

The old-school thought that a divorced father’s primary function is to pay child support is no longer omnipresent, and many Indiana agencies are implementing new and innovative initiatives that are working to remove barriers that hinder the full and beneficial engagement of divorced fathers in their child’s life.

Therefore, as a divorced father who must modify child support payments, visitation time, custody arrangements, and more, it’s critically important to work with an Indiana child support lawyer who supports these new ways of thinking and fights diligently and tirelessly for the father’s rights. His right is to help financially support their child but still have the time and access to nurture them into a well-balanced and happy adulthood.

How Has the Act of Paying Child Support Been Viewed As the Father’s Main Responsibility?

The nation’s courts (including Indiana’s), child welfare systems, and other state and federal agencies far too often focus on child support payment as a father’s primary parenting responsibility. Admittedly, financial support is essential, but many well-done and valid studies prove that children’s overall future improves when they can experience high-quality relationships with their dads.

Fathers who wish to, and are legally allowed, assume a more positive and supportive fathering role in a child’s life can be of significant benefits, such as:

  • Affirming and acting out their love for their child.
  • Represent a healthy and positive male role model.
  • Improve their child’s socio-emotional and behavioral development.
  • Help significantly to develop their child’s cognitive skills and academics.
  • Decrease the likelihood of their child heading into juvenile delinquency and more.

It’s also wise to remember that fathers can be divorced, co-parents or single parents, custodial or non-custodial, biological, or a father by adoption, etc.

So, if you’re a father who wishes to be an entirely devoted part of your child’s life but is divorced, etc., your choice of a child custody or support lawyer matters! Your Indianapolis child support lawyer must be there for you and fully share the determination and passion needed to fight for your rights as a father to your child.

How Can a Father Fairly Modify Their Child Support Payments in Indiana?

For many years, the Indiana courts determined child support took little regard for the father’s circumstances. However, the courts have recently been open to ensuring that the father’s child support obligations align with their current financial circumstances.

We all know that life constantly changes, and financial situations (good and bad) will evolve.

Now, more than ever, fathers must be given new and creative ways to negotiate a fair and balanced child support arrangement.
Ways such as:

  • Fully understanding why modification is needed – Life happens, you lose your job, your income changes, unforeseen medical expenses occur, and more. Recognizing the genuine need for child support modification is a critical first step toward a more accurate and equitable support arrangement.
  • Gathering all the pertinent documentation needed – To support your need for child support modification entirely, all necessary documentation, such as proof of income changes, medical expenses, etc., must be made clear to the court.
  • Correctly filing and presenting your petition for modification – Your skilled, empathetic, and experienced child support lawyer will initiate this process by filing correctly with the Indiana court. This filing will fully outline your reasons for seeking this modification and provide all the needed supporting evidence. They will also present your case for a child support modification with compelling arguments supported by the documentation.
  • The benefits of modifying your child support order – A successful modification of child support will ensure that your support obligation accurately reflects your current financial situation. This will allow you to meet your child’s financial needs while maintaining a healthy, balanced, and fulfilling lifestyle for you and your child.

However, it would be best to remember that choosing the right Indiana child support lawyer is critical to this process. Your child support law team will thoroughly assess your circumstances, provide the expert advice you need, and guide you through the entire legal process, all while ensuring your rights as a father are fully protected.

Has a Father’s Role In Supporting Their Child Recently Changed?

Simply put, yes, they have. In recent years, the intentional examination of specific agency policies (and programs) has been significantly helpful in identifying gaps in services for fathers and barriers they may face to engage with their children fully.

This thorough data collection by race and ethnicity has revealed disparities in service, access to programs, and the final outcomes achieved.

For example, specific child welfare laws and policies have proven to directly impact father-child engagement. However, rules, policies, and programs vary from state to state, and agency leaders must sift through a lot of data to examine how these policies impact a father’s involvement.

Sometimes, they make it far more challenging to engage fathers (like policies that require fathers to establish both paternity and legitimation). In some states, it’s simpler (allowing fathers to legally establish paternity without requiring an order for child support).

It’s also been overwhelmingly found that agencies that include posters etc. featuring fathers of all ages, racial and ethnic backgrounds, etc., make it easier to understand the positive role model a father can have on their child.

The overall fact is that the value of co-parenting and father-child interaction should always be emphasized so that negative stereotypes of absent or apathetic fathers are eliminated.

I Need to Modify My Child Support in Indiana; How Should I Proceed?

Seeking a valid modification of child support in Indiana is a vital first step for you, as a father, to ensure a fair and reasonable financial arrangement.

However, it cannot be overemphasized that having the right experienced child support lawyer by your side is critical to protecting your rights as a father and giving you the passionate, knowledgeable, and fighting legal representation you deserve.

The skilled, compassionate, and highly successful family lawyers at the Law Office of Deidra Haynes have a lengthy and successful history of fighting for a father’s right to be a stable, positive, and loving force in their child’s life and future.

Call them today at 317-785-1832 and schedule a full consultation on your unique case. They are fully aware that, as a father, you have the right to be active and beneficial to your child and their future and will tirelessly fight for your right to do so.